Health Insurance Services
Waste removal services
Procurement of a deep well drilling machine
Procurement of postal services
Servicing Hyundai work machines outside the warranty period
Procurement of comprehensive insurance services for work machines and company vehicles
Procurement of hotel accommodation services for employees on business trips in the country and abroad in 2025
Procurement of registration and basic insurance services for machinery and motor vehicles
Student transportation services for the needs of the "Sanica" Elementary School in Sanica for the calendar year 2025.
Cleaning and hygiene materials
Banking services
Preparation of a Hydrological Study for the Gostelja River Project
Services in the field of ZNR and ZOP
Refills for Ethicon Endo-Surgery Linear Staplers or equivalent
Carrying out construction and trade works on the reconstruction of the sports field of the Primary School "Hamdija Kreševljaković" Sarajevo
procurement of goods - TONERS for the needs of the Municipal Court in Cazin
Обезбјеђење пословне зграде
Sanitary examination of workers
Metal trocars with dagger for laparoscopic procedures
Procurement of materials/equipment for the needs of the ICT Service