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International Middle East services tenders

Middle East services tenders

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3537 Live Notices for Middle East services tenders

Showing 1 to 20

Paper Cleaning Materials Purchase
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline11 Oct 2024
Purchase Of 46 Follow Me Units (Electronic Message Board, Roof Lamp And Equipment) (Including Installation)
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline11 Oct 2024
Procurement Of Services For Wall Construction, Door Installation And Removal Of Waste From Our Laboratory After The Experiment.
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline14 Oct 2024
Qualified Personnel Service Recruitment 2024
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline14 Oct 2024
Purchase Of Cleaning Materials And Paper Products To Be Used In All Units Of Our Municipality
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline14 Oct 2024
14 District Building Facilities Repair
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline15 Oct 2024
Hilvan Wastewater Treatment Plant Maintenance, Repair And Operation Service Procurement Work
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline16 Oct 2024
Purchase Of Cleaning Materials
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline16 Oct 2024
Vehicle Maintenance-Repair By Point System Of Ford-Mercedes-Mitsubishi Brand Ambulances Of Cankiri Provincial Health Directorate
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline16 Oct 2024
Purchase Of Containers And Various Materials To Be Used In The Cleaning Affairs Directorate
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline16 Oct 2024
Cooking, Distribution And After-Meal Works For Primary School-Middle School-Secondary School (High School) Students Within The Scope Of Transported Education In The 2024-2025 Academic Year
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline17 Oct 2024
National And International Art Organizations Service Purchase
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline17 Oct 2024
2024/2 2Nd Region Asphalt Construction And Repair Work
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline18 Oct 2024
Convenience Food
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline18 Oct 2024
Bartin Family And Social Services Provincial Directorate Affiliated Organizations' Purchase, Distribution And Service Of Production Meals Between 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2025
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline18 Oct 2024
The Need For The Özlüce Hes Operations Deputy Manager, Affiliated To The Keban Hes Operations Directorate, Is To Hire 48 People And Provide Private Security Services For A Period Of 2 Years.
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline18 Oct 2024
2025 Laboratory Sample Transfer Courier Service Purchase
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline21 Oct 2024
Maintenance And Repair Of In-Vehicle, Fixed Facilities And Smart Stop Visual And Audio Systems
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline23 Oct 2024
Painting Of Our Factory'S Productions In The Factory Area, Manufacturing Of Various Rubber Bands, Gaskets Etc. In The Factory Rubber Workshop, Subcontracting Work And Assembly Of Flats, Angle Irons, Chains, Hinges On Conveyor Belts And Various Maintenance And Repair Service Work In The Factory.
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline24 Oct 2024
2024/2 2Nd Region Asphalt Construction And Repair Work.
country Turkey
posting date19 Sep 2024
deadline02 Nov 2024