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Prj 1244 Nel Community Ent Service

NHS London Commercial Hub United Kingdom has Released a tender for Prj 1244 Nel Community Ent Service in Building. The tender was released on Oct 06, 2023.

Country - United Kingdom

Summary - Prj 1244 Nel Community Ent Service

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 72752367

Product classification - Building construction work

Organization Details:

  Address - United Kingdom

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 72752367

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - North East London ICB would like to procure a NEL wide community ENT service which will continue to improve patient equity of access, deliver value for money, provide a seamless pathway for patients and improve care for patients thorough Quality and Safety reviews across NEL. A consultant led community-based ENT service to diagnose and treat a range of ENT conditions, and manage relevant follow-up activity within the service before final discharge back to the care of the patient’s own GP, or onward referral to secondary care where necessary. The service will provide patients with timely access to diagnostics and treatment, providing a ‘one-stop’ service where possible and appropriate,

Gt Ref Id - 72752367

Deadline - Nov 06, 2023

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