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Global Iran Education and Training Tenders

Iran Education and Training Tenders

Latest Iran Education and Training tenders. Discover new opportunities for Education and Training tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Iran.

How big is the Education and Training market in Iran?

Iran's education and training market is a dynamic and growing sector, valued at approximately $25 billion in 2022. The market is driven by a young and growing population, a strong emphasis on education, and government investment in the sector.

Iran government Education and Training Procurement

The Iranian government is a major procurer of education and training products and services. In 2022, the government spent approximately $5 billion on education and training procurement. The government procures a wide range of products and services, including textbooks, educational software, and teacher training.

What Education and Training does the Iran government buy?

The main education and training products and services procured by the Iranian government include:
Educational software
Teacher training
Curriculum development
Educational technology
Vocational training

Major Education and Training buyers in Iran government

The top authorities for Iran education and training procurement are:
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
Technical and Vocational Education Organization
Jihad-e Danesh Foundation

Who wins the most Education and Training contracts from the Iran government?

The top winners of Iran education and training procurement are:
Iran Textbook Organization
Farabi Educational Software Company
Danesh Pajoohan Educational Group
Tehran University
Sharif University of Technology

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Iran education and training tenders, government education training tenders Iran, global education training tenders, Iran education training bids, Iran elearning tenders, education training public tenders, Iran education training consultant tenders

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