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Global India Consultancy Tenders

India Consultancy Tenders

Latest India Consultancy tenders. Discover new opportunities for Consultancy tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across India.

How big is the Consultancy services market in India?

India's consultancy market is a rapidly growing industry, with revenues expected to reach $24 billion by 2025. The market is driven by strong demand for consulting services from businesses across all sectors, including IT, healthcare, and manufacturing. The growth of the market is also being fueled by the increasing adoption of digital technologies and the government's focus on infrastructure development.

Indian government Consultancy Procurement

The Indian government plays a crucial role in leveraging expertise and external perspectives to enhance policy formulation, implement strategic initiatives, and address complex challenges. Through strategic procurement of consultancy services, the government aims to tap into specialized knowledge, gain insights from diverse perspectives, and support informed decision-making across various sectors. In 2022-23, the government allocated an estimated ₹200 billion (approximately US$2.5 billion) to consultancy procurement, demonstrating its commitment to utilizing external expertise for national progress.
Several factors contribute to the substantial growth in India government consultancy procurement:
Addressing Complex Challenges: The government faces a wide range of complex challenges, from economic development and social welfare to environmental protection and technological advancement. Procurement of consultancy services provides access to specialized expertise and diverse perspectives to tackle these challenges effectively.
Enhancing Policy Formulation: The government seeks external expertise to inform and refine its policy decisions. Procurement of policy advisory services supports the development of evidence-based policies, impact assessments, and strategic roadmaps for various sectors.
Implementing Strategic Initiatives: To successfully implement large-scale and complex projects, the government relies on consultancy services. Procurement of project management support, technical consulting services, and specialized advisory services is crucial for ensuring project success, risk mitigation, and achieving desired outcomes.
Bridging Skill Gaps: The government recognizes the need for specialized skills and knowledge to address specific challenges and implement strategic initiatives. Procurement of consultancy services helps bridge skill gaps by bringing in experts with the necessary expertise and experience.

What Consultancy services does the Indian government buy?

The main consultancy products and services procured by the Indian government include:
IT consulting: This includes services such as IT strategy, IT infrastructure development, and IT security consulting.
Management consulting: This includes services such as business process reengineering, change management, and strategy consulting.
Technical consulting: This includes services such as engineering consulting, environmental consulting, and project management consulting.

Major Consultancy services buyers in Indian government

The top authorities for India consultancy procurement are:
The Ministry of Finance
The Planning Commission
The Department of Telecommunications
The Ministry of Railways
The Ministry of Power

Who wins the most Consultancy contracts from the Indian government?

The top winners of India consultancy procurement include:

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India consultancy tenders, global India consultancy tenders, government consultancy tenders India, India free consultancy tenders, India management consultancy tenders, India consultancy services tenders, advisory services tenders, India public consultancy tenders, commercial consultancy tenders

3895 Live Notices for India Consultancy Tenders

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country India
posting date03 May 2024
deadline11 May 2024