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Global Gibraltar Pharmaceuticals Tenders

Gibraltar Pharmaceuticals Tenders

Latest Gibraltar Pharmaceuticals tenders. Discover new opportunities for Pharmaceuticals tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Gibraltar.

How big is the Pharmaceuticals market in Gibraltar?

Gibraltar's pharmaceutical market might be small, valued at around $30 million, but it packs a punch. This nimble market boasts a dynamic mix of factors fueling its growth:
Strategic location: Situated between Europe and Africa, Gibraltar acts as a distribution hub for pharmaceuticals, attracting international players.
Tax-friendly environment: Low corporate taxes and streamlined regulations lure companies looking to expand their reach.
Agile healthcare system: Gibraltar's General Hospital and private clinics provide quality care, driving demand for diverse medications.
This unique blend of location, business benefits, and healthcare needs makes Gibraltar a rising star in the pharmaceutical world.

Gibraltar government Pharmaceuticals Procurement

The Gibraltar Health Authority (GHA) may spend a modest $7 million annually, but it procures strategically:
Focus on generics: Affordable generics for common illnesses are prioritized, ensuring basic healthcare access for all residents.
Hospital essentials: From bandages and syringes to diagnostic equipment, the GHA equips its facilities for various medical needs.
Openness to innovation: While generics rule, new drugs with proven value are considered, especially for complex diseases.
Gibraltar's procurement strategy balances affordability with access to new advancements, creating a sustainable market.

What Pharmaceuticals does the Gibraltar government buy?

The GHA procures a range of pharmaceuticals:
Essential generics: From antibiotics to pain relievers, Gibraltarians have access to what they need, regardless of income.
Hospital supplies: Everything from bandages and syringes to advanced equipment ensures hospitals are well-equipped.
Targeted therapies: While generics dominate, innovative drugs for specific conditions are procured when cost-effective.
Vaccinations first: The GHA prioritizes public health, maintaining high vaccination coverage.

Major Pharmaceuticals buyers in Gibraltar government

Several key authorities oversee the scene:
Gibraltar Health Authority (GHA): This agency handles procurement, sets standards, and ensures patient access to essential medications.
Gibraltar Regulatory Authority (GRA): Guardians of safety and quality, the GRA approves and monitors all drugs in the market.
Government of Gibraltar: Setting overall healthcare priorities, the government guides the direction of pharmaceutical procurement.

Who wins the most Pharmaceuticals contracts from the Gibraltar government?

The top companies winning government contracts are a mix of familiar faces and local players:
Teva UK: This generics giant offers a wide range of affordable medications.
Prodigy Health: A US-based distributor, bringing specialty drugs and hospital supplies to Gibraltar.
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK): A global leader, providing established and new drugs, particularly for chronic diseases.
Pfizer UK: Another major player, offering a variety of medications and vaccines to the Gibraltarian market.

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country Uzbekistan
posting date04 May 2024
deadline04 May 2025