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Cooperation Espanola Tenders

Cooperation Espanola Tenders

Cooperacion Espanola (Spanish Cooperation) is the agency responsible for the coordination and implementation of Spain's development cooperation policy. The agency was established in 1987 and operates under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation. Cooperación Española works to promote sustainable development, reduce poverty, and support democratic governance and human rights in developing countries around the world. The agency provides technical and financial assistance to partner countries, working in close collaboration with local governments, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders. The agency's work focuses on a range of thematic areas, including social development, economic development, environmental sustainability, and governance and human rights. Some of the specific areas of intervention include education, health, water and sanitation, disaster risk reduction, and gender equality. Cooperación Española also promotes cultural cooperation and dialogue between Spain and other countries, supporting initiatives such as cultural exchange programs, language training, and the preservation of cultural heritage.

501171 Live Notices for Cooperation Espanola

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