89 Live Notices for Consultancy bids and RFP from Egypt
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Supplying the needs of the clubs and beaches affiliated with the governorate, which are as follows: “2000 chairs, 650 tables, 50 umbrellas, 2 505-litre refrigerators, 2 505-litre freezers, 2 50-litre heaters, and 2 lawn mowers” With the investment plan for the fiscal year 2024/2025
Operating rescue teams for vacationers and beachgoers for the summer season of 2025
Maintenance and operation of electrical and mechanical works, heating and sterilization of swimming pool water in the swimming pool complex
Maintenance of the covered drainage network for the areas of Mit Yazid, with a total area of 4,102 acres, and a half acres, with a total area of 3,949 acres, with a total area of 8,051 acres In Kafr Shukr Engineering Department, under the General Administration of Qalyubia Drainage
Providing for development of an e-commerce platform.
Establishing a recreational club “water games area” to develop the club With a usufruct system for 9 years
Implementation of the association’s project located in Kafr El-Dawar, Beheira, on a plot of land with an area of 19,260 square meters, as follows: (1) Preparation of designs, constructions and architecture. (2) Obtaining licenses (3) Preparing general and special measurements and specifications. (4) Supervising the implementation of the project
Replacement, renovation and rental of a hexagonal pitch under the usufruct system for a period of 7 years.
Supply automatic urine analysis device (device vs. accessories)
Improving the efficiency and qualification of mechanical and electrical works of mixing stations, their operation and security Under the leadership of the General Administration of Lake Irrigation For the fiscal years 2024/2025/2026
Renting the following places at Taba Land Port “Duty-free exhibitions – Vacant counters for tourism marketing activities – Empty offices for banks – Space for photography activities – Passenger transport activities in the departure and arrival halls – Baggage loading and unloading activities – VIP lounge activities for serving travelers – A shop selling beach supplies and children’s toys – A shop for an exchange company – A shop selling communication lines”
Usufruct right for the project of operating mass river transport units and tourist activities for passengers 6 moorings and 6 river pieces In Mansoura and Talkha cities
Development of electrical works at the air traffic control tower at El Alamein Airport
Create and exploit Five-a-side artificial turf pitch for 9 years, with an area of 880 m2.
Completion of the rehabilitation process of the canal Two 100-meter-long skewers in the Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering Department in Qus
Provision of securing, guarding and operating gates in the General Administration Department And the engineering departments of Luxor - Qus - Qena - Bishna)
Provision of removing weeds with tractors on the Kalabiya Canal from K 68,500 to K 90,500 and Abu Al-Joud Canal from the mouth to K 7,400 and Hijazah Canal from the mouth to K 13,550 No. (6) in the Qous Irrigation Engineering Department for the fiscal year 2024/2025 2025/2026
Provision of Removing weeds with tractors on the Kalabiya lot from K 22,500 to K 68,500 and the Luxor Canal from the mouth to K 9,600 and the Maala Canal from the mouth to K 9,200 and the main Habil Canal from Ankam to K 3,600 No. (0) in the Luxor Irrigation Engineering Department for the fiscal year 2025/2024-2026/2025
Provide labor to operate the new Sherbin Al-Salihiya Al-Nubaria, New Valley, South Tahrir, and Al-Gamizah stations
Establishing coverage for the Al-Nazzaz Al-Amin Al-Qibli and Al-Nazzaz Al-Yasr Al-Qibli banks of the Mit Yazid Canal in various locations Total length 970m, Qatar drainage engineering reins In the General Administration Department of East Kafr El-Sheikh Drainage For the fiscal year 2024/2025