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Country - Norway
Summary - Bme Nor 2024-09 Smaller Cycling Measures 2024
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 90584359
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Norway
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 90584359
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: "Minor cycling measures 2024" is a collection of smaller cycling measures combined into a larger package as it appears most appropriate to carry them out at the same time. In total, there are 2 sections: Section 2: Lien - Småpudden on S olheim north Section 4: Klaus Hanssen's road on Kronstad Heightnotice_title: Bme Nor 2024-09 Smaller Cycling Measures 2024contract_duration: 12 MONTHnotice_contract_type: Workslocal_description: "Mindre sykkeltiltak 2024" er en samling mindre sykkeltiltak slått sammen til en større pakke da det fremstår mest hensiktsmessig å utføre disse samtidig.Totalt er det snakk om 2 delstrekninger:Delstrekning 2: Lien - Småpudden på Solheim nord Delst
Gt Ref Id - 90584359
Deadline - Aug 29, 2024
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