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Global Denmark Education and Training Tenders

Denmark Education and Training Tenders

Latest Denmark Education and Training tenders. Discover new opportunities for Education and Training tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Denmark.

How big is the Education and Training market in Denmark?

Denmark boasts a robust education and training market, valued at approximately DKK 120 billion (USD 17 billion) in 2021. This market is driven by a strong emphasis on lifelong learning and a highly skilled workforce, with over 50% of adults actively participating in education and training programs. The market is expected to grow steadily in the coming years, fueled by factors such as digitalization, demographic shifts, and increasing demand for specialized skills.

Denmark government Education and Training Procurement

The Danish government plays a significant role in the education and training market, accounting for approximately 60% of total procurement spending. Government procurement is primarily focused on primary and secondary education, higher education, vocational training, and adult education programs. Key procurement agencies include the Ministry of Education and the Danish Agency for Education and Research.

What Education and Training does the Denmark government buy?

The Danish government procures a wide range of education and training products and services, including:
Curriculum development and implementation
Educational technology solutions
Teacher training and professional development
Assessment and evaluation services
Vocational training programs
Adult education courses

Major Education and Training buyers in Denmark government

Key authorities responsible for education and training procurement in Denmark include:
Ministry of Education
Danish Agency for Education and Research
Danish Regions

Who wins the most Education and Training contracts from the Denmark government?

Major companies that frequently win education and training procurement contracts in Denmark include:
Educare A/S
Rambøll A/S
Implement Consulting Group A/S
Kapow A/S

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Denmark education and training tenders, government education training tenders Denmark, global education training tenders, Denmark education training bids, Denmark elearning tenders, education training public tenders, Denmark education training consultant tenders